Sunday, May 27, 2012

Long Time No See.

Heyy everyone it has been a LONG time since I posted last and I do apologize for that. I have strayed MUCH further from my loving heavenly father then I ever expected to. Things have gotten so tough and i have realized that after ALOT of disappointments that the reason that everything has been so messed up is because I do not walk beside my father anymore. I have been so preoccupied with getting ahead and thinking that i know what im doing and where im going that i lost him somewhere miles back. but I am working really hard on getting back to him. He is the only one who knows where im going right now. Its almost like when your parents take you out for your birthday when your younger but they want it to be a surprise so they dont tell you. You just have to trust that they know what they are doing and let them take you were they want you to go. You cant have control over everything all the time and Im just now starting to realize that. My life isnt anything like I want it to be right now and im working on changing that for the better and the only way to do that is to follow my father where ever he leads me. He would never walk me through anything that i can not handle. Sometimes I wonder if him having so much faith in ME is a good thing or not but then i remember that he knows what he is doing then i do. I love him very much and have been a complete wreck without him. He will always lead you down the right path but only if you are wise enough to let him. God gave us free will so he cant MAKE us do anything that we dont want to do. He gave us the option weather we wanted to follow or not. God loves all of his children and ONLY wants whats best for us. Show your love for him and your gratitude by choosing the right path and letting him lead you were your going. If you follow him he will NEVER stear you wrong. I guess thats it for now. Ill be doing my best to post more often now. and remember keep god in your heart and follow him and you will never go wrong. :) Have a nice night and God Bless. ~Alisa

1 comment:

Libbie said...

I know you wrote this a year a go but I just wanted to encourage you to stay strong in your faith...the decisions you make now effect your entire life. I will pray for you tonight! :) I can see you love God very much & I know you know this but just remember his guidelines are for our blessing :)